Eleonora Gaskova is a 3rd generation millinery designer from Kosic in the Eastern Slovakia. The actual collection is inspired by African Tribes, the hats are designed with typical African colours, shapes and include metal, feathers and ornamental accessories. Eleonora cooperates with Slovak fashion designer Izabela Komjati for several seasons. Izabela´s feminine style and Eleonora´s hats and accessories create elegant combinations and offer their customers a complete look.

Watch all videos of the MQ Vienna Fashion Week 2013

All ELEONORA GASKOVA videos on Spykeheels.com 

Watch all videos of the MQ Vienna Fashion Week 2012

Watch all videos of the MQ Vienna Fashion Week 2011


The MQ VIENNA FASHION WEEK is organized by creative headz, an innovative team with a vision of a fashion event of international standard. Founders and organizers are Zigy Müller, Elvyra Geyer and Maria Oberfrank. The MQ VIENNA FASHION WEEK  was established as an ideal platform, a central location for designers and exhibitors, fashion shows, side events and exhibitions.

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Fashion, side events and exhibitions will take center stage as well as the presentation of austrian and international design.